


泰国是一个充满活力文化、壮丽景观和当然了 - 威严大象的国家。虽然与这些温和巨人相遇可以是一次难忘的经历,但确保您的安全以及这些神奇生物的福祉至关重要。可悲的是,许多象类旅游活动利用这些动物来娱乐,使它们遭受创伤并阻碍其自然行为。

选择道德象 treks:


  • 从远处观察: 选择野生动物园或救援中心,在那里您可以观察大象在其自然栖息地中活动,而无需直接互动。寻找允许您了解其护理、康复工作以及不可接受旅游实践危害的设施。
  • 拒绝骑乘: 大象徒步旅行通常涉及严苛的训练方法和迫使动物携带重物,这会造成身体和心理上的痛苦。相反,选择与大象步行、观察它们互相互动或参与喂食环节(始终在监督下)等活动。


  • 尊重他们的空间: 请记住,大象是野生动物,即使是在野生动物园中饲养的大象也是如此。从安全距离欣赏它们,避免直接接近它们。
  • 留意周围环境: 注意地形,并意识到潜在的危险,例如不平坦的路面或滑坡。
  • 听从您的导游: 您的导游是大象行为专家,他们会指导您如何安全地与这些动物互动。始终遵循他们的指示,并注意任何警告。


  • 彻底调查野生动物园: 寻找信誉良好、运营透明、经验丰富且致力于道德动物护理的组织。查看在线评论并直接联系野生动物园询问有关其运作方式的问题。
  • 支持当地的保护行动: 向野生动物园或致力于保护这些动物在野外的组织捐款。您的贡献可以帮助做出实质性改变。
  • 传播意识: 与他人分享您的体验,鼓励他们选择道德的象类相遇。通过提高认识,我们可以为泰国的大象创造一个更可持续且充满同理心的未来。



泰国道德象园游:您的责任性徒步指南 (补充实例)

选择道德的象类旅游方式,不仅是对大象福祉的尊重,也是一种对您自身旅行体验的升华。许多泰国人认识到这一点,并积极行动起来,创造出更可持续、更负责任的观赏模式。 让我们来看看一些真实的例子:

1. 象园“Elephant Nature Park” (大象自然公园):

Nestled in the beautiful hills near Chiang Mai, this sanctuary is renowned for its unwavering commitment to elephant welfare.

Instead of offering rides or tricks, Elephant Nature Park focuses on providing rescued elephants with a safe haven and nurturing their natural behaviors. Visitors can observe them bathing in mud pools, playing with each other, and enjoying fresh fruit provided by the park. The park also offers educational tours that delve into the ethical challenges faced by elephant tourism and the importance of conservation efforts.

2. “The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary” (大象丛林庇护所):

Located near Phuket, this sanctuary offers visitors a chance to interact with rescued elephants in their natural habitat.

Here, you can participate in activities like preparing food for the elephants, observing them as they forage for leaves, and assisting in their care. The emphasis is on creating a respectful and enriching experience for both visitors and the elephants. The sanctuary also actively participates in research and rehabilitation programs to ensure the long-term well-being of these gentle giants.

3. “Phang Nga Elephant Sanctuary” (攀牙湾大象庇护所):

Situated amidst stunning limestone cliffs and emerald waters, this sanctuary offers a unique experience for visitors.

Guests can trek through lush jungle trails, learn about the local ecosystem, and observe rescued elephants roaming freely in their natural environment. The sanctuary promotes responsible tourism by limiting visitor numbers and focusing on education and conservation efforts.

These examples demonstrate that ethical elephant encounters are not only possible but also incredibly rewarding. By choosing to support these sanctuaries and organizations, you can contribute to a brighter future for elephants in Thailand while enjoying a truly meaningful travel experience.